In 2007 I had to let go of my left ovary and a few fibroids that were inside me. Following that surgery I started to develop things that I have now come to understand are pelvic floor issues. Some of My symptoms have been a lot of SI joint instability and abdominal bloating.
I found an online program called Restore Your Core® developed by Lauren Ohayon after seeing a video online demonstrating her core strategy that looked exactly like mine. I’ve come to understand that strategy as ‘oblique dominance’.
I was basically such a earnest and compliant movement student that I worked almost too hard and exacerbated my pelvic floor tension without addressing my mobility and gait issues that had arisen from my scar tissue and trauma. My abdominal core and SI joint were talking to me. I was experiencing a lot of bloating, digestive issues and low back pain.
The good news is that I was consistent. I did the work. Some days more than others. I’m still doing the work because caring for ourselves really never ends.
What I’ve learned is the change is possible at every stage of trauma illness and injury.
Good news is I have taken my lived experience and educated myself. All the work I’ve been doing with Yoga Tune Up®, the scar tissue work, the massage work, the breath work, it was all leading me toward this path.
Now Im finalizing my requirements movement training called Restore Your Core®. It’s a movement practice that combines yoga, pilates, breathing, gait and movement pattering as a fitness modality.
It is also a restorative program that is designed to address some prevalent issues in our bodies that affect our health and well being like:
Pelvic Floor tension
Si joint pain
Diastasis recti
Prolapse, rectocele, cystocele
Low back pain
If you are already working with me don’t worry ! I’m not changing, only getting more clear, intentional and holistic.