Frequently Asked Questions

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What do I wear?  
For deep tissue massage therapy the client is treated on the massage table.  Client removes as much clothing as their comfort and modesty allows. The client’s body will be draped at all times only exposing each body region as it is addressed by the technique.

For Craniosacral therapy, the client is treated fully clothed on the table. The techniques work best with clothing that is non constrictive and loose fitting.

For Ohashiatsu (or Resistance Stretching or passive manual range of motion) - the client is fully clothed in their own loose fitting, stretchable attire. The treatment is usually performed on the floor but can be modified to work on the table as needed according to the client’s comfort.

For yoga, movement and self massage instruction the client is fully clothed in their own attire. We work on the floor, standing, lying, seated and dynamic moving postures. The most functional attire for yoga and movement and self massage is stretchable but close fitting attire that is not voluminous or baggy.

Should I eat before my session?
I would say simply use common sense and take care of yourself. If you normally eat before exercise then please eat. If we are going to be doing abdominal massage then please don't eat a heavy meal at least two hours prior to your appointment.

I’ve never had a massage before, does it hurt?
The short answer is not really.  Massage therapy or any therapy that I provide should not hurt you or your body. That said there are some movements or techniques that may be new to you and therefore uncomfortable in sensation or in your ability to completely relax and accept in your body. It is my intention for you to be completely confident with the knowledge that you and your body are in charge of your treatment at all times. If at any time you are uncomfortable or no longer enjoy what you are experiencing you are encouraged to communicate that to me so that we can modify the treatment to make you more comfortable.

You say “We” a lot as in “the work WE do” but what does that mean ? “YOU” are are working on “ME” right?
Yes and No. Yes, I am there to serve your body’s soft tissue needs either through manual therapeutic technique or coaching you through focused movements or exercises. You are receiving a treatment performed by me but you will serve your self the most by being present. In short, your job is to be present in your body for yourself. Bodywork and movement with mindfulness is about deepening your self knowledge. You are spending an hour or more out of your busy day to come work with me. Let’s make that time count toward something. Your job whether as a movement client or as a bodywork client is to bring your attention and your mind’s eye to what you are feeling and experiencing in your body and mind so that you get the most benefit out of your experience. For me to best serve your needs it is important that you communicate what you are experiencing in your body both during our sessions and outside of our time together.

Where does the massage or treatment take place?
The treatment takes place in my massage studio which is located in a building on my home property. The studio has a massage table and an open floor area so that we can modify the space for whatever kind of session you schedule. I have a lovely outdoor space that can also serve as a treatment space if we plan ahead of time.

Do I need to bring anything?  
If you have any physician recommendations or Physical Therapist recommendations please bring those.

What is the temperature of the room?
I try to create a calm and soothing atmosphere within the room by ensuring it is neither too warm nor too cold for bodywork. For movement therapy, you may get warm and we may need to adjust the temperature. My table has a heater so in the winter months you have a cozy space to relax and unwind. I also use warm lava rocks and towels when appropriate on the body.

What happens when my massage is over?
After your treatment I will leave you alone to be by yourself and come back slowly to your day. Your body is often in a profound state of relaxation after a session of massage or movement as a result of the purposeful way that we work to engage your nervous system. Stay down for a minute or two lying on your side. Get up slowly and get dressed. I will bring you water and encourage you to continue to drink plenty of water throughout the rest of your day. At this point I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on how you feel both in body and mind. This gives your brain a chance to learn how the body work you do affects how your mind, thoughts and feelings.

What form of payment do you accept?
Cash, check and credit card.

What is your cancellation fee?
The cancellation fee is equal to the session fee booked. See all Policy information


Cancellation Policy
Life and events happen. Barring an emergency, please cancel or reschedule your appointment with 24 hours notice to avoid being charged the missed appointment fee in full.

Late Policy
Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. Clients arriving late will receive the rest of their appointment time and will be charged in full.

Sickness Policy
Both therapists and clients are vulnerable to infection from contagious illnesses. Please reschedule your appointment if you are feeling unwell. Clients with any of the following illnesses, or any other contagious illnesses not listed, will be rescheduled:
Vomiting, fever, cold, influenza, diarrhea, measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, head lice, scabies, impetigo, meningitis, conjunctivitis, hepatitis A, thrush, polio, ringworm of the body, feet or scalp, meningococcal disease, and whooping cough.

Privacy Policy
Diana Duncan Yoga and Massage for Health collects your information when needed to identify you, such as when scheduling an appointment, filling out a new client form, signing up for the newsletter, or filling out a survey. This information may include your name, birth date, e-mail address, mailing address, and telephone number.

Diana Duncan Yoga and Massage will never disclose your personal information to other companies.

Disclaimer/Consent for Treatment

If you experience any pain or discomfort during our session, you agree to immediately inform the practitioner so that the pressure and/or strokes may be adjusted to your level of comfort. You further understand that massage/bodywork should not be construed as a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, or treatment and that you should see a physician, chiropractor, or other qualified medical specialist for any mental or physical ailment of which you am aware. You understand that massage/bodywork practitioners are not qualified to perform spinal or skeletal adjustments, diagnose, prescribe, or treat any physical or mental illness, and that nothing said in the course of the session given should be construed as such. Because massage/bodywork should not be performed under certain medical conditions, you affirm that you have stated all known medical conditions and answered all questions honestly. You agree to keep the practitioner updated as to any changes in your medical profile and understand that there shall be no liability on the practitioner’s part should you fail to do so. You also understand that any illicit or sexually suggestive remarks or advances made by yourself will result in immediate termination of the session, and you will be liable for payment of the scheduled appointment.