Quick Low Back Relief with Therapy Ball

Low Back Pain - Self Massage - Living with and Healing Diastesis Recti


Hi there, I have recently figured out that my diastesis recti has slowly started to reemerge in my body again. Its resulted in me having a lot of low back pain and discomfort when I eat. What I am working on is helping my diaphragm and obliques relax and release as they tend to get very tense and accentuate the separation in my abdominal wall. Its a process and something I have to continually work on to control the tension in my belly. Massage coupled with corrective exercise, breathing and mindset is how I manage this in my body.

LINK to VIMEO here : )

Flow - you're a river

I chose this image to represent my upcoming workshop, Move your Detox & FLOW at MelMarie's self-care Shala because in esoteric bodywork terms (ie the unicorn side of me)  I relate to the body like a river.  I am a manual therapist and movement educator and so much of my work is devoted to the study and practice of natural ways to maintain health and well being in the body and mind.

I recently attended a lecture, "What the Fuzz" offered by Gil Hedley (a highly respected bodyworker and bodywork educator).

What I learned from Gil was massive. The biggest takeaway for me was how to relate what I felt with my hands during a massage to what is happening beneath the skin.  Basically, Gil’s slides confirmed for me what I felt intuitively, that beneath the surface of our skin is a subtle but consistent flow of fluids moving through us and within us with every breath, vibration, movement and eye flutter we make.  

We are a living breathing human aquarium and our muscles, facia, bones and all the other bits are swimming and floating in fluids enveloped by our skin.

What is exciting about the practices that I will be sharing in the workshop is that students can learn ways to facilitate their own health and well being with simple exercises and techniques that move these fluids, especially the lymph.  The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs in the body that facilitate healing by ridding the body of waste material and toxins.  

These easy and practical methods I share will help us tap into our own physiology to facilitate better movement not only with the body, but WITHIN the body.  

It's my belief that every human intuitively sets the rhythm and pace of their own healing journey. This class is designed to facilitate the beginning of that experience.  

All levels welcome.



