Texas has reopened the massage and yoga communities and I am feeling a cautious pull to begin working with those who need or want to practice with me.  I want to be here for you to do what I do best as a guide to help create ease within the mind and the body through movement and bodywork.  

These are my current  opening protocols for working directly in person. These are based on CDC recommendations and state and local guidelines. Please understand these may change as time and practice dictate.  I want you to feel safe and comfortable working with me so I think you need to know what my plans are.

For your safety during yoga & massage

  • All the surfaces in my work space and surfaces with which you may come in contact (doors, yoga mats, balls, door handles, sinks, counters, faucets, tables) will be cleaned and sanitized before and after every appointment with a CDC recommended disinfectant  and process.  

  • All soft materials like sheets, blankets and towels will be freshly laundered for each appointment.  All Yoga Props wlll be cleaned before and after each lesson.

  • My personal clothing and face mask is my PPE. I will change my clothing between each client and location.   I will wear a mask for your treatment or movement session. You must also wear a mask unless you are lying face down on the table.

  • Hand and arm washing in hot soapy water before  after every client session is mandatory for both you and me. 

  • I will have gloves available if you desire to be massaged with gloves.  I will wear gloves for any facial massage and intra-oral massage.

  • There will be limited physical contact / adjustments for movement clients.

What I ask from you

  • Please wear a mask for your appointment except when you are lying face down on the table.

  • Please wash your hands upon entering my studio or before commencing a treatment  in your own home. Please avoid touching your face, eyes, nose and mouth at all times during our interaction.

  • Please take a  full body shower and wear clean clothing prior to your appointment.

  • When we are speaking to one another the risk of infection spread increases.  Let’s limit conversation in person as much as possible. 

  • The table and all surfaces will be cleaned with a sanitizer before and after your treatment.

  • For massage clients If I am coming to your home you must provide your own clean table linens for each of the treatments I will perform in your space. This will reduce the risk of spreading any germs out of your home. I can help you order linens to fit your table.

  •  If I am coming to your home please have soap and water and towels available for me to prepare for your treatment.

  • For movement lessons, you are welcome to use  your own yoga mat and therapy balls. They will need to be cleaned with a sanitizing spray.  I will have this available for your use.  If I am coming to your home I will bring my own disinfecting product.

Other information

Please know that these protocols are here to promote your health, my health and prevent community spread of infection.

If you feel sick or you arrive and decide you do not feel well, you will not be charged a cancellation fee. Please pay attention to how you feel and take care of yourself so we can all stay healthy and safe.